Registration Packages

- 4 Registrations

- 4 Registrations
- 1 Double Room and 3 night stay

- 4 Registrations
- 1 Double Room and 3 night stay
- 1/2 page of advertisement of busines/family picture in the souvenir and website
- Reserve seating for Prime-time events
- Donor List in all media and prominent locations at the Venue

- 4 Registrations
- 1 Suite Room and 3 night stay
- Full page of advertisement of busines/family picture in the souvenir and website
- Reserve seating for Prime-time events
- Donor List in all media and prominent locations at the Venue
- Special announcement on stage
Become a member
Why become a member?
- To create awareness within the family, especially within the youth
about the values of Basava Philosophy - To help your community and energize your life
- To get a sense of belonging to the Veerashaiva community
- For eligibility to vote and contest for the VSNA elections
- Tax deduction on contributions to VSNA and other charitable
organizations via VSNA